Google OAuth2 Setup Guide

This guide will walk you through setting up Google OAuth2 authentication for your PocketPages application.

Note: PocketPages provides an authentication starter kit that includes pre-built Google OAuth2 integration. You can get started quickly with:

npx tiged benallfree/pocketpages/starters/auth my-auth-app
cd my-auth-app
npm i

1. Create/Select Google Cloud Project

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console
  2. Either select an existing project or create a new one
  3. If creating new, provide a project name when prompted

Creating a new Google Cloud project Naming the new project Selecting the project

2. Configure OAuth Credentials

  1. Navigate to "Credentials" in the left sidebar
  2. Click "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth client ID"

Navigating to credentials Creating OAuth credentials

Configure Application Type

  1. Select "Web application" as the application type
  2. Configure your authorized origins and redirect URIs:
    • Authorized JavaScript origins: Your application domain (e.g., http://localhost:8090)
    • Authorized redirect URIs: Your auth callback URL (e.g., http://localhost:8090/auth/oauth/confirm)

Selecting web application Configuring URIs

If you haven't set up a consent screen before, you'll need to configure it:

  1. Choose External/Internal user type
  2. Fill in the required application information

Consent screen setup Consent screen details

Download Credentials

  1. After creating the OAuth client, download the JSON credentials file
  2. Store this file securely - it contains sensitive information

Downloading credentials Credentials JSON format

3. Configure PocketBase OAuth2

  1. Open your PocketBase Admin UI
  2. Make sure your site URL is set correctly. It must match the redirect URL domain you configured in the Google Cloud Console.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Auth Providers
  4. Enable OAuth2 authentication
  5. Add Google as a new provider

PocketBase site URL PocketBase user settings OAuth2 providers section Adding new provider Selecting Google provider

Provider Configuration

  1. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret from the downloaded credentials
  2. Configure any additional auth options as needed
  3. Save your changes

Configuring Google provider Saving changes

Customizing the Return URL

By default, PocketPages uses /auth/oauth/confirm as the OAuth2 return URL path. You can customize this when calling requestOAuth2Login:

const url = requestOAuth2Login('google', {
  redirectPath: '/custom/oauth/callback',

Remember to update your Google OAuth2 configuration to include this custom redirect URL if you change it from the default.

Implementation Guide

Here's a complete implementation example based on our auth starter kit:

1. Login Form

Create a login page that includes the Google OAuth2 button:

<form method="POST" action="/auth/oauth/login">
  <input type="hidden" name="provider" value="google" />
  <button type="submit">Sign in with Google</button>

2. OAuth Login Handler

Create a route handler for initiating the OAuth flow:

<script server>
  if (request.method === 'POST') {
    try {
      const url = requestOAuth2Login(body().provider)
      // The user will be automatically redirected to Google's consent screen
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle any errors

3. OAuth Callback Handler

Create a callback handler to process Google's response:

<script server>
  const { state, code } = params

  let error = null
  try {
    // Complete the OAuth2 flow and sign in the user
    const authData = signInWithOAuth2(state, code)

    // Redirect to home page or dashboard
  } catch (e) {
    error = e.message

<% if (error) { %>
<% } %>

4. Migration Script

Set up Google OAuth2 in your PocketBase migration:

  (app) => {
    // Enable OAuth2 for the users collection
    const users = app.findCollectionByNameOrId('users')
    users.oauth2.enabled = true
    users.oauth2.providers = [
        provider: 'google',
        clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
        clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
        name: 'google',
  (app) => {
    // Revert changes in down migration
    const users = app.findCollectionByNameOrId('users')
    users.oauth2.enabled = false
    users.oauth2.providers = []

5. Protected Routes

Protect routes that require authentication:

module.exports = (api) => {
  const { auth, redirect } = api
  if (!auth) {

6. User Interface Elements

Show/hide elements based on auth state:

<% if (auth) { %>
<div>Welcome, <></div>
<a href="/auth/logout">Logout</a>
<% } else { %>
<a href="/auth/login">Login</a>
<% } %>

7. Logout Handler

Create a logout endpoint:

<script server>

API Reference

The PocketPages API provides these OAuth2-related methods:

  • requestOAuth2Login(providerName, options?): Initiates the OAuth2 flow
  • signInWithOAuth2(state, code, options?): Completes the OAuth2 flow
  • signOut(): Logs out the current user


The requestOAuth2Login method accepts these options:

  collection: 'users', // Default: 'users'
  redirectPath: '/auth/oauth/confirm', // Default: '/auth/oauth/confirm'
  cookieName: 'pp_oauth_state', // Default: 'pp_oauth_state'
  autoRedirect: true // Default: true

The signInWithOAuth2 method accepts these options:

  collection: 'users', // Default: 'users'
  cookieName: 'pp_oauth_state' // Default: 'pp_oauth_state'

Usage Example

Add this to your login page to enable Google OAuth2 login:

<form action="/auth/oauth2" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="provider" value="google" />
  <button type="submit">Sign in with Google</button>


Common issues and solutions:

  • Invalid redirect URI: Ensure your redirect URI exactly matches what's configured in Google Cloud Console
  • Consent screen not showing: Make sure you've properly configured the OAuth consent screen
  • Authentication failed: Verify your client ID and secret are correctly copied to PocketBase

Security Considerations

  • Always use HTTPS in production
  • Keep your client secret secure
  • Regularly rotate credentials
  • Review Google OAuth2 access regularly in your Google Cloud Console