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Handling Route and Query String Parameters in PocketPages

PocketPages offers flexible routing capabilities that include support for route parameters and query string parameters. This guide will explain how to work with these parameters, enabling you to create dynamic pages that respond to user inputs via the URL.

Route Parameters

Route parameters allow you to capture specific values from the URL path and use them within your EJS templates. These parameters are defined by using placeholder directory or file names enclosed in square brackets [].

Example Structure with Route Parameters

Consider the following directory structure:


How Route Parameters Work

  • Defining Parameters:

    • [productId] in the directory name allows you to capture the value from the URL.
    • [reviewId].ejs captures a value from the URL for a specific review.
  • Accessing Parameters in EJS:

    • In products/[productId]/index.ejs, you can access the productId parameter via params.productId.
    • In products/[productId]/reviews/[reviewId].ejs, both productId and reviewId will be available as params.productId and params.reviewId.

Example Routes

  • pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/index.ejs:

    • URL: /products/123
    • Accessible Parameter: params.productId = 123
  • pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/reviews/[reviewId].ejs:

    • URL: /products/123/reviews/456
    • Accessible Parameters: params.productId = 123, params.reviewId = 456

Using Route Parameters in EJS

<h1>Product ID: <%= params.productId %></h1>
<p>Review ID: <%= params.reviewId %></p>

This will render:

  • For /products/123: Product ID: 123
  • For /products/123/reviews/456: Product ID: 123, Review ID: 456

Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are key-value pairs appended to the URL after a ?. These parameters are also accessible in your EJS templates via params, and they will override route parameters if there is a name conflict.

Example URL with Query Strings

Given the following URL:

  • Accessing Query String Parameters:

    • params.sort = "latest"
    • params.highlight = "true"
  • Overriding Route Parameters:

    • If a query string parameter has the same name as a route parameter, the query string parameter's value will override the route parameter's value.
    • Example: If your route parameter is params.productId = 123 but your query string contains ?productId=789, then params.productId will be 789.

Example Usage in EJS

<h1>Product ID: <%= params.productId %></h1>
<p>Sort by: <%= params.sort %></p>
<p>Highlight: <%= params.highlight %></p>

This will render:

  • For /products/123/reviews/456?sort=latest&highlight=true:

    • Product ID: 123
    • Sort by: latest
    • Highlight: true
  • For /products/123/reviews/456?productId=789:

    • Product ID: 789 (overrides the route parameter)

Combining Route and Query String Parameters

PocketPages provides a powerful way to combine route and query string parameters, making your URLs highly dynamic and adaptable to various use cases.

Practical Example

Let's say you have a URL like this:


In your EJS template located at pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/reviews/[reviewId].ejs, you can access and utilize all these parameters:

<h1>Product ID: <%= params.productId %></h1>
<h2>Review ID: <%= params.reviewId %></h2>
<p>Sort by: <%= params.sort %></p>
<p>Highlight: <%= params.highlight %></p>

This setup allows you to create dynamic and responsive pages that change based on the parameters provided in the URL.