Route and Query Parameters

PocketPages lets you access both route parameters (from URL paths) and query parameters (from query strings) in your templates.

Route Parameters

Use square brackets [] in file or directory names to capture URL path segments as parameters.

Example Structure


This structure handles URLs like:

  • /products/123
  • /products/123/reviews/456

Using Route Parameters

Access route parameters through params in your templates:

<!-- In products/[productId]/index.ejs -->
<h1>Product: <%= params.productId %></h1>

<!-- In products/[productId]/reviews/[reviewId].ejs -->
<h1>Product: <%= params.productId %></h1>
<p>Review: <%= params.reviewId %></p>

Query Parameters

Query parameters come from the URL's query string (after the ?). They're also available through params:


Access them the same way in templates:

<p>Sort by: <%= params.sort %></p>
<p>Highlight: <%= params.highlight %></p>

Parameter Priority

Query parameters override route parameters when they have the same name:


Here, params.productId will be 789, not 123.

Complete Example




<h1>Product: <%= params.productId %></h1>
<h2>Review: <%= params.reviewId %></h2>
<p>Sort by: <%= params.sort %></p>
<p>Highlight: <%= params.highlight %></p>