Custom Configuration with +config.js

In the pb_hooks/pages/ root, you can create a +config.js file to define custom configuration options for your application. This file allows you to control how files are processed within your app through plugins and other settings.


Example Configuration

Here is an example of a basic +config.js file:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // String format (shorthand)

    // Object format with name
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs', // npm package name
      extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'],
      debug: false,

    // Direct factory function
    (config, options) => ({
      // plugin implementation

    // Object format with explicit factory function
      fn: (config, options) => ({
        // plugin implementation
      debug: false,
      // other options...
  debug: false,

Configuration Options

  • plugins: An array that specifies which plugins to use and their configurations. Plugins can be specified in several ways:

    • As a string (shorthand for npm package name)
    • As an object with name property specifying an npm package
    • As a plugin factory function directly
    • As an object with fn property containing a factory function

    The debug option defaults to false for all plugin formats.

  • debug: A boolean that enables internal PocketPages debugging output to the console. When set to true, it will output information about routes, parameters, and other internal details that are helpful for troubleshooting. Defaults to false.

Plugin Configuration Formats

PocketPages supports several formats for configuring plugins. Here are all the valid formats:

Plugin Processing Order

The order of plugins in the plugins array determines their processing order. Each plugin's onRender hook is called in sequence, with the output of one plugin becoming the input for the next.

For example, when processing a Markdown file with both EJS and Markdown plugins:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Processes first - enables EJS in Markdown
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'],
    // Processes second - converts Markdown to HTML

This configuration allows you to:

  1. Use EJS features within Markdown files
  2. Process the resulting content as Markdown
  3. Output the final HTML

Changing the order would process Markdown first, then EJS - which might be desirable in some cases but would prevent using EJS features within Markdown files.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Format 1: String shorthand (npm package name)

    // Format 2: Object with npm package name
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      debug: false,
      // Any other options are passed to the plugin
      extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'],

    // Format 3: Direct factory function
    (config, options) => ({
      onRequest(context) {'Request:', context.request.method)

    // Format 4: Object with explicit factory
      fn: (config, options) => ({
        onRequest(context) {
'Request:', context.request.method)
      debug: false,
      // Any other options are passed to the plugin

Important notes:

  • The name property should be the name of an npm package that exports a plugin factory
  • PocketPages plugins typically follow the naming convention pocketpages-plugin-* (e.g. pocketpages-plugin-ejs, pocketpages-plugin-marked)
  • If both fn and name are present in an object configuration, fn takes precedence
  • The fn property is the only reserved key in plugin configuration objects
  • All other properties in plugin configuration objects are passed as options to the plugin
  • The debug option defaults to false for all plugin formats

Debug Options

PocketPages provides two levels of debug output control:

  1. Global debugging - Set via the top-level debug option. When true, enables debug output for all of PocketPages.

  2. Per-plugin debugging - Each plugin can have its own debug option. This allows you to enable debug output for specific plugins while keeping others quiet. The plugin's debug option only affects debug calls within that plugin's scope.

For example, to debug only the EJS plugin:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      debug: true, // Only EJS plugin will output debug info
    'pocketpages-plugin-marked', // Debug defaults to false
  debug: false, // Global debugging remains off