Asset Management

PocketPages provides built-in asset management with content-based fingerprinting for efficient cache invalidation.

Directory Structure

Place your static assets (images, CSS, JS, etc.) alongside the pages that use them:

    feature/       # Your content
      styles.css     # Feature-specific styles
      header.jpg     # Feature-specific image
      logo.png      # Shared across pages

Using Assets

In Markdown

Use standard markdown syntax for images - paths are automatically resolved relative to the current file:

![Logo](logo.png) # Local image
![Header](/shared/logo.png) # Absolute path

In EJS Templates

Use the asset() helper to generate fingerprinted URLs:

<img src="<%= asset('header.jpg') %>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= asset('styles.css') %>">

How It Works

  1. During startup, PocketPages generates content-based fingerprints for all static files
  2. The asset() helper and markdown images automatically generate fingerprinted URLs
  3. URLs are served with long-term cache headers for optimal performance

Best Practices

  1. Keep assets close to the pages that use them
  2. Use a shared directory (like shared/ or assets/) for common resources
  3. Always verify assets exist in your pages directory

For detailed information about the asset() helper and its features, see the asset helper documentation.