EJS Plugin

The EJS plugin (pocketpages-plugin-ejs) is included with PocketPages by default and provides template processing using the EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templating engine. You only need to explicitly include it in your +config.js if you want to modify its configuration or if you're adding other plugins.


The plugin can be configured in your +config.js file:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // String format (default configuration)

    // Object format with configuration
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'],
      debug: false,


  • extensions: Array of file extensions to process (default: ['.ejs'])
  • debug: Enable debug output for the plugin (default: false)


Server Script Blocks

The plugin adds support for <script server> blocks as an alternative to <% %> delimiters:

<!-- Both are equivalent -->
<% const message = 'Hello' %>
<script server>
  const message = 'Hello'

<%= message %>

Smart Partial Resolution

Includes are resolved by searching up the directory tree for _private directories. When resolving includes, the plugin will:

  1. Look for an exact match of the specified path
  2. If not found, try appending each configured extension
  3. Repeat this process up the directory tree in _private folders
<!-- For example, include('header') with extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'] will search for: -->
<!-- 1. ./current/dir/_private/header -->
<!-- 2. ./current/dir/_private/header.ejs -->
<!-- 3. ./current/dir/_private/header.md -->
<!-- 4. ./parent/dir/_private/header -->
<!-- 5. ./parent/dir/_private/header.ejs -->
<!-- 6. ./parent/dir/_private/header.md -->
<!-- 7. ./root/_private/header -->
<!-- 8. ./root/_private/header.ejs -->
<!-- 9. ./root/_private/header.md -->
<%- include('header', { title: 'My Page' }) %>

You can still include files with explicit extensions:

<%- include('header.ejs', { title: 'My Page' }) %>

Echo Helper

A convenient echo() function is provided for outputting content:

  // Automatically stringifies objects
  echo({ hello: 'world' })

  // Joins multiple arguments with spaces
  echo('Hello', 'world', { count: 123 })

Usage with Markdown

When configured with the .md extension, the plugin will process EJS templates within Markdown files:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      extensions: ['.ejs', '.md'],

This allows you to use EJS features in your Markdown content:

# Welcome <%= user.name %>

<script server>
  const posts = pb.collection('posts').getFullList()

<% for (const post of posts) { %>
- [<%= post.title %>](<%= post.url %>)
<% } %>

Default Configuration

Since this plugin is included with PocketPages by default, you don't need to specify it in your +config.js unless you want to:

  1. Add additional file extensions (like .md)
  2. Enable debug output
  3. Include it alongside other plugins

The default configuration is equivalent to:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      name: 'pocketpages-plugin-ejs',
      extensions: ['.ejs'],
      debug: false,