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Loading Data in PocketPages

PocketPages provides a robust mechanism to load data dynamically before rendering your EJS templates using a special +load.js file. This file, when placed at any directory level, will be executed before any EJS template in that directory is rendered. Below, we'll explore how to use +load.js, demonstrate the module structure, and explain the execution flow with examples.

The +load.js File


The +load.js file is designed to load or compute data that your EJS templates might need. The data returned by the loader function in +load.js will be made available to your EJS templates through the data property in the request context.

Structure of +load.js

The +load.js file must use module.exports to export a loader function. This function will receive the request context as an argument and should return an object containing the data you wish to pass to the template.

Example +load.js File

module.exports = function (context) {
  // Perform data loading operations here
  const productId = context.params.productId

  // Example: Fetch product details from a database
  const productDetails = getProductDetails(productId)

  // Return an object containing the data
  return {
    product: productDetails,

How It Works

  • Execution: When a request matches a route level with a +load.js file, the loader function in that file is executed.
  • Data Availability: The returned object from the loader function is attached to the request context as data, making it accessible in the EJS templates.

Example Scenario with Multiple +load.js Files

Consider the following directory structure:


Loader Execution Scenarios

  1. Root Level Request (/):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/+load.js, pb_hooks/pages/index.ejs
    • Loader Executed: The loader in pages/+load.js will execute when accessing the root URL (/). The data returned by this loader will be available in pages/index.ejs.
  2. About Page Request (/about):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/about/+load.js, pb_hooks/pages/about/index.ejs
    • Loader Executed: The loader in pages/about/+load.js will execute when accessing /about. The data returned will be available in about/index.ejs.
  3. Products Page Request (/products):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/products/+load.js, pb_hooks/pages/products/index.ejs
    • Loader Executed: The loader in pages/products/+load.js will execute when accessing /products. The data returned will be available in products/index.ejs.
  4. Product Details Request (/products/123):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/+load.js, pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/index.ejs
    • Loader Executed: The loader in pages/products/[productId]/+load.js will execute when accessing /products/123. The data returned will be available in products/[productId]/index.ejs.
  5. Product Details Specific Page (/products/123/details):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/+load.js, pb_hooks/pages/products/[productId]/details.ejs
    • Loader Executed: The same loader in pages/products/[productId]/+load.js will execute for both index.ejs and details.ejs under [productId]. Therefore, when accessing /products/123/details, this loader will still be executed, and its data will be available in details.ejs.
  6. Contact Page Request (/contact):

    • Files Involved: pb_hooks/pages/contact.ejs
    • Loader Executed: No loader is executed because there is no +load.js file in the pages/ directory that directly corresponds to the contact.ejs file. The template will render without additional data loading.

Key Points to Remember

  • Isolated Loaders: Loaders in isolated directories (like pages/about/+load.js) only execute for requests that match the route corresponding to that directory (/about in this case).
  • Multiple EJS Files: If you have multiple EJS files at the same directory level (like index.ejs and details.ejs in products/[productId]/), the same loader (+load.js) will be executed for any request that matches that directory.
  • No Loader Execution: If there is no +load.js at the specific route level, no data loading will occur, and the EJS template will render as usual.