Plugin Authoring Guide

PocketPages plugins are powerful tools that can extend and modify the behavior of your application. This guide will help you understand how to create plugins and use the various hooks available.

Plugin Structure

A plugin is a factory function that takes configuration options and returns an object with hook methods. Here's the basic structure:

module.exports = (config, options) => {
  // Initialize plugin with config and options
  return {
    // Hook methods
    onRequest(context) {
      /* ... */
    onRender(context) {
      /* ... */
    handles(context) {
      /* ... */
    onExtendContextApi(context) {
      /* ... */
    onResponse(context) {
      /* ... */

Configuration Parameters

The plugin factory receives two parameters:

  1. config: PluginFactoryConfig - Core configuration object containing:

    • pagesRoot - Root directory of pages
    • config - Global PocketPages configuration
    • global - Global context API
    • routes - Array of route definitions
    • dbg - Debug logging function
  2. options: PluginOptionsBase - Plugin-specific options including:

    • debug - Enable debug mode
    • Any custom options defined by your plugin

Available Hooks

Plugins can implement any of these hooks to modify application behavior:

onRequest(context: RequestContext)

Called at the start of each request, before any processing begins.

onRequest({ request, response }) {
  // Modify request/response
  // Add headers, check auth, etc.

onRender(context: RenderContext): string

Transform content during the rendering process.

onRender({ api, content, filePath, plugins }) {
  // Transform content
  // Process templates
  // Add features
  return modifiedContent;

handles(context: HandlesContext): boolean

Determine if this plugin should handle a specific file.

handles({ route, filePath }) {
  return filePath.endsWith('.md'); // Handle markdown files

onExtendContextApi(context: ExtendContextApiContext)

Add methods to the context API available to pages.

onExtendContextApi({ api }) {
  api.myHelper = () => {
    // Add custom functionality

onResponse(context: ResponseContext): boolean

Final processing before sending the response.

onResponse({ api, content }) {
  // Modify final output
  // Add headers
  // Handle caching
  return false; // Continue processing

Best Practices

  1. Early Returns: Use early returns for cleaner code flow

    handles({ filePath }) {
      if (!filePath.endsWith('.md')) return false;
      return true;
  2. Factory Pattern: Return an API object instead of using classes

    module.exports = (config, options) => {
      const api = {
        onRender: () => {
          /* ... */
        // other methods
      return api
  3. Debug Logging: Use the provided debug function

    module.exports = ({ dbg }, options) => {
      dbg('Initializing plugin', { options })
      // ...

Example Plugins

Content Transformer

module.exports = (config, options) => {
  return {
    handles: ({ filePath }) => filePath.endsWith('.custom'),
    onRender: ({ content }) => {
      return content.toUpperCase() // Transform to uppercase

API Extension

module.exports = (config, options) => {
  return {
    onExtendContextApi: ({ api }) => {
      api.formatDate = (date) => {
        return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString()

Extending Global API

Plugins can extend the global API during initialization by modifying the global object in the factory config. This makes functionality available across all pages and other plugins.

The global API includes core utilities like:

  • url() - URL parsing
  • stringify() - JSON stringification
  • env() - Environment variable access
  • store() - Global state management
  • Logging functions (dbg, info, warn, error)

Example: Adding Global Functions

Here's how the JS SDK plugin extends the global API with a PocketBase client:

const jsSdkPluginFactory = (config, extra) => {
  const { global } = config
  const host = extra?.host ?? `http://localhost:8090`

  // Store PocketBase instance
  let pb = null

  // Add pb() to global API
  global.pb = () => {
    if (pb) return pb
    pb = new PocketBase(host)
    return pb

  return {}

This makes pb() available everywhere through the global API:

// In any page or plugin
const pb = pb()
const records = pb.collection('posts').getList()

Best Practices for Global API Extensions

  1. Lazy Initialization: Initialize expensive resources only when first requested

    let instance = null
    global.myApi = () => {
      if (instance) return instance
      instance = new ExpensiveResource()
      return instance
  2. Namespacing: Use clear naming to avoid conflicts

    global.myPlugin = {
      helper1: () => {
        /* ... */
      helper2: () => {
        /* ... */
  3. Type Safety: Define types for your extensions

    declare module 'pocketpages' {
      interface PagesGlobalContext {
        myApi: () => MyApiType
  4. Documentation: Document the API you're exposing

     * Returns configured API client
     * @param {object} options - Optional configuration
     * @returns {ApiClient} Configured client instance
    global.myApi = (options) => {
      // Implementation