Auth Context API
The request.auth
property provides access to the currently authenticated user's record. When a user is authenticated (see Authentication), this property contains a core.Record instance with the user's data.
Checking Authentication Status
<% if (request.auth) { %>
<!-- User is authenticated -->
<% } else { %>
<!-- No authenticated user -->
<% } %>
Record Methods
Basic Data Access
<!-- Get field values -->
<%= request.auth.get('email') %>
<%= request.auth.get('username') %>
<%= request.auth.get('name') %>
<!-- Check if field exists -->
<% if (request.auth.has('avatar')) { %>
<img src="<%= request.auth.get('avatar') %>">
<% } %>
Authentication Status
<!-- Check email verification -->
<% if (request.auth.verified()) { %>
<span class="verified">✓</span>
<% } %>
<!-- Check admin status -->
<% if (request.auth.isSuperuser()) { %>
<a href="/admin">Admin Panel</a>
<% } %>
Collection Access
<!-- Get user's collection -->
<% const collection = request.auth.collection() %>
<%= %>
<!-- Get creation date -->
<%= request.auth.created %>
<!-- Get last update -->
<%= request.auth.updated %>
Type Definition
The auth record implements the core.Record
interface Record {
id: string
created: string
updated: string
// Data access
get(field: string): any
set(field: string, value: any): void
has(field: string): boolean
// Auth specific
verified(): boolean
isSuperuser(): boolean
collection(): Collection
// ... other methods
Common Use Cases
Profile Data
<!-- User profile example -->
<div class="profile">
<h2><%= request.auth.get('name') %></h2>
<% if (request.auth.has('avatar')) { %>
<img src="<%= request.auth.get('avatar') %>">
<% } %>
<%= request.auth.get('email') %>
<% if (request.auth.verified()) { %>
<span title="Verified">✓</span>
<% } %>
<dt>Member Since</dt>
<dd><%= request.auth.created %></dd>
Access Control
<!-- Role-based access control -->
<% if (request.auth) { %>
<% if (request.auth.isSuperuser()) { %>
<!-- Admin content -->
<% } else if (request.auth.get('role') === 'editor') { %>
<!-- Editor content -->
<% } else { %>
<!-- Regular user content -->
<% } %>
<% } %>
Custom Fields
<!-- Working with custom fields -->
<% if (request.auth.has('preferences')) { %>
<% const prefs = request.auth.get('preferences') %>
<% if (prefs.darkMode) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= asset('css/dark.css') %>">
<% } %>
<% } %>