request - HTTP Request Object

  • Type: PagesRequest
  • Description: The request object provides access to essential HTTP request information in a framework-agnostic way. This abstraction ensures your templates remain compatible across PocketBase versions.



  • Type: core.Record | undefined
  • Description: The authenticated user record, if available


  • Type: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH'
  • Description: The HTTP method of the request


  • Type: URLParse<string>
  • Description: A parsed URL object containing query parameters and other URL components


  • Type: () => Record<string, any>
  • Description: Function that returns form data submitted with the request


  • Type: () => Record<string, any> | string
  • Description: Function that returns request body as an object (if JSON) or string (if form data)
  • Type: (name: string) => string
  • Description: Function that returns the value of the specified request header


  • Type:
      <T = Record<string, any>>(): T
      <T>(name: string): T
  • Description: Function that returns cookie values with type safety. When called with no arguments, returns all cookies as the specified type (defaults to Record<string, any>). When called with a name, returns that specific cookie's value with the specified type.

Example usage:

// Get a specific cookie with type
interface UserPreferences {
  theme: string
  fontSize: number
const userPrefs = request.cookies<UserPreferences>('preferences')
// TypeScript knows these properties exist
const theme = userPrefs.theme
const fontSize = userPrefs.fontSize

// Get a simple string cookie
const theme = request.cookies<string>('theme')

// Get all cookies with type
interface AllCookies {
  theme: string
  preferences: UserPreferences
  session: { id: string }
const allCookies = request.cookies<AllCookies>()
// TypeScript knows the shape of all cookies
const sessionId =
// Define your cookie types
interface SessionData {
  userId: number
  role: string
  lastAccess: string

interface CartData {
  items: number[]
  total: number

// Get typed cookies
const session = request.cookies<SessionData>('session')
// TypeScript knows these are the correct types
const userId: number = session.userId
const role: string = session.role

const cart = request.cookies<CartData>('cart')
// Array methods available because TypeScript knows items is number[]
const itemCount = cart.items.length
const total: number =

// Arrays with explicit type
const recentItems = request.cookies<number[]>('recentItems')
// TypeScript knows this is a number array
const lastItem = recentItems[recentItems.length - 1]

// Get all cookies with a defined structure
interface CookieStore {
  session: SessionData
  cart: CartData
  recentItems: number[]
  theme: string
const store = request.cookies<CookieStore>()
// Full type safety on all cookie access
const cartTotal =
const currentTheme = store.theme

Example Usage

Basic Request Information

// Access request method
const method = request.method

// Get URL information
const path = request.url.pathname
const query = request.url.query

// Access form data
const formData = request.formData()

// Access raw body
const rawBody = request.body()

Authentication Check

if (request.auth) {
  // User is authenticated
  const userId =
  const email =
} else {
  // User is not authenticated

Query Parameter Handling

// Access query parameters from the URL
const page = || '1'
const sort = request.url.query.sort || 'date'

Form Data Processing

if (request.method === 'post') {
    // Access submitted form data
    const formData = request.formData()
    const username = formData.username
    const email =

Working with Headers and Cookies

// Access request headers
const userAgent = request.header('User-Agent')
const contentType = request.header('Content-Type')

// Working with cookies
const sessionData = request.cookies('session') // Returns parsed JSON if valid
const rawTheme = request.cookies('theme') // Returns string if not JSON

// Get all cookies with automatic JSON parsing
const allCookies = request.cookies()
const { session, theme, preferences } = allCookies