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Creating a PocketPages Page

PocketPages allows you to create dynamic pages for your application using EJS templating. Below are the steps and guidelines to create a page that will be served by PocketPages.

Creating Pages

  1. Create an EJS File: Inside the pb_hooks/pages/ directory, create an .ejs file. This file will represent the page that you want to serve.

    • For example, to create an "About" page, you would create a file named about.ejs in pb_hooks/pages/.
  2. Special Case - index.ejs: The index.ejs file has a special role at any directory level.

    • At the root level, index.ejs will be served as the root page of your PocketPages application. You do not need to specify the filename in the URL; simply navigating to / will render index.ejs.
    • If you place an index.ejs file inside a subdirectory (e.g., pb_hooks/pages/products/index.ejs), it will serve as the default page for that directory level. Navigating to /products will render products/index.ejs if no other file in that directory matches the route.
  3. Serving Pages: Any .ejs file within pb_hooks/pages/ can be served directly. The name of the file (minus the .ejs extension) will correspond to the URL path.

    • For example, if you have a file contact.ejs in pb_hooks/pages/, it will be served at /contact.
  4. Nested Pages: You can organize your pages into subdirectories. The routing will follow the directory structure. If no specific file matches the route, an index.ejs in the corresponding directory will be served.


  • pb_hooks/pages/index.ejs -> Accessible at /
  • pb_hooks/pages/about.ejs -> Accessible at /about
  • pb_hooks/pages/contact.ejs -> Accessible at /contact
  • pb_hooks/pages/products/index.ejs -> Accessible at /products
  • pb_hooks/pages/products/details.ejs -> Accessible at /products/details