resolve - Loading Private Modules

  • Type: Function(path: string) => any
  • Description: Loads JavaScript modules or JSON files from _private directories, following an upward directory traversal pattern to find the requested file.

Directory Resolution

PocketPages looks for resolved files in _private directories, starting from the current template's directory and working up through parent directories until the file is found. This system provides:

  • Secure file access (directories starting with _private are never routed)
  • Ability to share common modules by "hoisting" them to ancestor directories
  • Section-specific private modules that are only available to that section
  • Ability to override parent modules by having a local version with the same name
  • Simplified path management since you rarely need relative paths

Example Directory Structure

    _private/                 # Global private files
      _private/              # Product-specific files
        _private/            # Category-specific files

Using resolve

Basic Usage

// Looks for config.js in _private directories, starting from current directory up
const config = resolve('config')

// Use the loaded module
const apiKey = config.apiKey

Resolution Options

The resolve function accepts an optional second parameter to control how the module is loaded:

type ResolveOptions = {
  mode: 'raw' | 'require' | 'script' | 'style'
  • require (default): Loads and evaluates the module, returning the exports
  • raw: Returns the raw file contents as a string
  • script: Returns the file contents wrapped in a <script> tag with safety headers
  • style: Returns the file contents wrapped in a <style> tag

Example usage:

// Get raw file contents
const rawConfig = resolve('config', { mode: 'raw' })

// Load as a module (default behavior)
const config = resolve('config', { mode: 'require' })

// Include as a script tag
const scriptTag = resolve('config', { mode: 'script' })

// Include as a style tag
const styleTag = resolve('styles', { mode: 'style' })

Resolution Rules

When resolving a file path, PocketPages will:

  1. Start in the current template's directory, looking for _private/filename
  2. If not found, check the parent directory for _private/filename
  3. Continue up the directory tree until the file is found or the root is reached

You have several options for controlling this resolution:

  • Simple name: Just specify the file name (e.g., config) to use the automatic resolution system
  • Absolute paths: Start with / to specify an explicit path from the root (e.g., /products/_private/queries)
  • Level jumping: Use ../ prefix to skip the local _private directory and force resolution from a parent level


Given the directory structure above:

// In /products/categories/index.ejs:
const formatter = resolve('formatter')    // Uses /products/categories/_private/formatter.js
const queries = resolve('queries')        // Uses /products/_private/queries.js
const config = resolve('config')          // Uses /_private/config.js

// Using absolute path
const productQueries = resolve('/products/_private/queries')

// Level jumping
const parentHelpers = resolve('../helpers')  // Skips local _private/helpers.js and uses parent's version

Example Private Files

Global Configuration

// _private/config.js
module.exports = {
  apiKey: env.API_KEY,
  baseUrl: '',
  limits: {
    maxUploadSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024,
    maxResults: 100,

Section-Specific Utilities

// products/_private/queries.js
module.exports = {
  getActiveProducts: () => {
    return $app.dao().findRecordsByExpr('products', 'status = ?', ['active'])
  getCategoryProducts: (categoryId) => {
    return $app
      .findRecordsByExpr('products', 'category = ?', [categoryId])

Best Practices

  1. Organize by Function: Group related functionality into logical directories

  2. Use Environment Variables: For sensitive data

    // _private/config.js
    module.exports = {
      apiKey: env.API_KEY, // Good
      secret: 'hardcoded-bad', // Bad
  3. Export Clean Interfaces: Make your modules easy to use

    // _private/database.js
    module.exports = {
      query: (sql, params) => {
        return $app.dao().findRecordsByExpr('table', sql, params)
      getRecord: (collection, id) => {
        return $app.dao().findRecordById(collection, id)

Important Notes

  1. Files must be in a _private directory
  2. Use for server-side logic and configuration only
  3. Don't store sensitive credentials directly in files - use environment variables
  4. Changes to private files require a server restart in production
  5. Async/await is not available in the JSVM - use promises or callbacks instead

See Private Files for more information about working with private files and directories in PocketPages.