Realtime Events
PocketBase provides realtime capabilities through WebSocket connections. However, there are important differences between server-side and client-side usage.
Server-Side (JSVM)
When using PocketBase in hooks or PocketPages (server-side), you cannot subscribe to realtime events since the JSVM environment doesn't support WebSocket connections. However, you can send realtime events to connected clients:
// Send a custom event to specific subscribers
function pushCustomEvent(channel, data, filterFn = (client) => true) {
const message = new SubscriptionMessage({
name: channel,
data: JSON.stringify(data)
// Get all connected clients
const clients = $app.subscriptionsBroker().clients();
// Filter clients that are subscribed to this channel
const filteredClients = Object.entries(clients).filter(
([id, client]) => client.hasSubscription(channel) && filterFn(client)
// Send message to filtered clients
filteredClients.forEach(([id, client]) => {
// Example usage:
pushCustomEvent("rooms/123/delta", {
type: "update",
changes: { ... }
Client-Side (Browser/Node.js)
In client-side code, you can use the full PocketBase JavaScript SDK to both send and receive realtime events:
// Initialize the PocketBase client
const pb = new PocketBase('')
// Subscribe to a specific channel
const unsubscribe = pb.realtime.subscribe(`rooms/${ROOM_ID}/delta`, (e) => {
console.log('Received delta:', e)
applyDeltas(roomState, e)
console.log('Room state after deltas:', roomState)
// Later, unsubscribe if needed
The PocketBase JS SDK automatically handles connection management:
- Automatically reconnects when the connection is lost
- Resubscribes to previous channels after reconnection
- Provides connection status via
You can also listen for disconnect events:
pb.realtime.onDisconnect = function (activeSubscriptions) {
console.log('Disconnected with active subscriptions:', activeSubscriptions)
// Optionally handle the disconnect event
// The client will automatically attempt to reconnect
Important Notes
Server vs Client
- Server (JSVM) can only send events
- Clients can both send and receive events
- Use the appropriate SDK for each environment
SDK Versions
- Browser/Node.js: Use pocketbase/js-sdk
- Server/JSVM: Use pocketbase-js-sdk-jsvm
Best Practices
- Keep channel names consistent and well-structured
- Clean up subscriptions when no longer needed
- Handle reconnection gracefully
- Consider implementing retry logic for critical messages