signInAnonymously - Anonymous Authentication

  • Type: (options?: AuthOptions) => AuthData
  • Description: Creates a new anonymous user account and automatically signs them in. This is useful for allowing users to try your application before creating a full account.


  • options: (Optional) Authentication options
    type AuthOptions = {
      collection: string // The collection to authenticate against (defaults to "users")

Basic Usage

try {
  // Default usage - creates anonymous user in "users" collection
  const authData = signInAnonymously()

  // Or specify a custom collection
  const authData = signInAnonymously({
    collection: 'customers'

  // User is now anonymously authenticated
} catch (error) {
  // Handle creation/authentication error

Return Value

Returns an AuthData object containing:

interface AuthData {
  token: string // The authentication token
  record: {
    // The authenticated user record
    id: string
    email: string
    username: string
    verified: boolean
    // ... other user fields

Implementation Details

This function:

  1. Creates a new user with a random email and password in the specified collection
  2. Signs in with those credentials
  3. Sets the authentication cookie via signInWithToken

Example Implementation

Guest Checkout Flow

if (request.method === 'POST' && formData.action === 'guest-checkout') {
  try {
    const authData = signInAnonymously({
      collection: 'customers'

    // Store cart data with anonymous user
    const cart = resolve('cart')

  } catch (error) {
    <div class="error">
      Failed to create guest account: <%= error.message %>

<div class="checkout-options">
  <form method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="guest-checkout">
    <button type="submit">Continue as Guest</button>

  <div class="separator">or</div>

  <a href="/login" class="button">Sign In</a>

Try Before You Buy

if (!request.auth) {
  // Auto-create anonymous account for new visitors
  try {
    redirect(request.url) // Reload current page
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error

Important Notes

  1. Anonymous Users:

    • Have randomly generated email/password
    • Are real user records in your database
    • Can be converted to regular accounts later
    • Have full authentication capabilities
  2. Security Considerations:

    • Anonymous users can access authenticated routes
    • Consider cleanup policies for unused accounts
    • May want to limit capabilities of anonymous users
    • Should implement conversion flow to regular accounts
  3. Best Practices:

    • Use for "try before you buy" experiences
    • Implement guest checkout flows
    • Allow easy conversion to full accounts
    • Consider automatic cleanup of inactive anonymous accounts