These are the beta docs for the upcoming v0.10.0 release.

Loading Data in PocketPages

PocketPages uses +load.js files to load data before rendering templates. Each loader receives the PocketPages API object and can return data that becomes available in your templates.

Basic Usage

/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  const { findRecordsByFilter } = api

  const products = findRecordsByFilter('products', {
    filter: 'active = true',
    sort: 'name',

  return { products }

File Structure

Data loaders follow your route hierarchy:

  +load.js           # Only executes if index.ejs is the entry point
  +middleware.js     # Always executes for any route
  index.ejs          # Home page entry point
    +load.js         # Only executes if products/index.ejs is the entry point
    +middleware.js   # Executes for any route under /products
      +load.js       # Only executes if [id]/index.ejs is the entry point
      +middleware.js # Executes for any route under /products/[id]
      index.ejs      # Template using data

Important: Only a single +load.js file executes per request - the one at the same level as the entry point EJS file. This is different from +middleware.js files, which execute hierarchically from root to leaf along the route path. Use middleware when you need cascading data loading.

Example: Route /products/123

If the route resolves to /products/123/index.ejs:

  1. Middleware Execution (cascading, root to leaf):

  2. Loader Execution (single file):

    /products/[id]/+load.js  # Only this loader executes
  3. Template Rendering:


Example Scenarios

Product List (/products)

/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  const { findRecordsByFilter } = api

  const products = findRecordsByFilter('products', {
    filter: 'active = true',
    sort: '-created',

  return { products }

Product Details (/products/[id])

/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  const { findRecordByFilter, params, response } = api

  const product = findRecordByFilter('products', {
    filter: `id = "${}"`,

  if (!product) {
    return { error: 'Product not found' }

  return { product }

HTTP Method-Specific Loaders

In addition to +load.js, PocketPages supports method-specific loaders that only execute for their respective HTTP methods:

    +load.js     # Runs for all methods
    +get.js      # Runs only for GET, after +load.js
    +post.js     # Runs only for POST, after +load.js

Execution Order

  1. +load.js executes first (if present)
  2. Method-specific loader executes second (if present)
  3. Data from both loaders is merged

Example: Contact Form

// contact/+load.js - Runs for all methods
/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    departments: findRecordsByFilter('departments', {
      filter: 'active = true',

// contact/+get.js - Runs only for GET requests
/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    csrf: generateToken(),

// contact/+post.js - Runs only for POST requests
/** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
module.exports = function (api) {
  const { formData, redirect } = api

  try {
    const message = findRecordByFilter('messages', {
      create: {
        message: formData.message,
        department: formData.department,

  } catch (error) {
    return {
      error: 'Failed to send message',
      values: formData,

Available Method Loaders

  • +load.js - Runs for all HTTP methods
  • +get.js - GET requests only
  • +post.js - POST requests only
  • +put.js - PUT requests only
  • +delete.js - DELETE requests only

Note: Method-specific loaders are optional. If not present, only +load.js (if it exists) will execute.

Using Data in Templates

Basic Example

<!-- Display site name -->
<h1><%= data.siteName %></h1>

<!-- Show navigation -->
  <% data.navigation.forEach(item => { %>
    <a href="<%= item.url %>"><%= item.title %></a>
  <% }) %>

Complete Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title><%= data.product?.name || 'Products' %> | <%= data.siteName %></title>
  <!-- Navigation -->
    <% data.navigation.forEach(item => { %>
      <a href="<%= item.url %>"><%= item.title %></a>
    <% }) %>

  <!-- Content -->
  <% if (data.error) { %>
    <h1>Error: <%= data.error %></h1>
  <% } else if (data.product) { %>
    <!-- Single Product View -->
      <h1><%= %></h1>
      <p><%= data.product.description %></p>
  <% } else if (data.products) { %>
    <!-- Product List View -->
      <div class="grid">
        <% data.products.forEach(product => { %>
          <a href="/products/<%= %>">
            <h2><%= %></h2>
        <% }) %>
  <% } %>

Best Practices

  1. Type Safety

    /** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
    module.exports = function (api) {
      // TypeScript will check api usage
      return {
        /* data */
  2. Error Handling

    /** @type {import('pocketpages').PageDataLoaderFunc} */
    module.exports = function (api) {
      const { response } = api
      try {
        // Load data...
        return { data }
      } catch (error) {
        return { error: 'Failed to load data' }
  3. Structured Data

    // Good: Clear structure
    return {
      products: productList,
      categories: categoryList,
    // Avoid: Flat structure
    return {
      productList: products,
      productCount: count,
      productCategories: categories,

Important Notes

  • Loaders execute synchronously
  • Only leaf-level loaders run
  • Data is loaded fresh per request
  • Use middleware for shared data
  • All data is merged into data object
